
On a light background, use the yellow and black version. On a dark background, use the yellow and white version. In instances when only one colour can be printed; use the reversed black logo on light backgrounds and the reversed white version on dark backgrounds. Keep in mind, the wordmark font (Akzidenz Grotesk) should not be used for headlines, body copy or any other text. That’s what our official typeface (Gelion) is reserved for.

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The brand guidelines set a minimum size for our wordmark as well as the protection space around it. This is a space that is free of any other visual element, so our logo stands out. For optimal readability of the logo, leave space around it equal to the width of the letter “n” of the logo. There’s one exception to this rule. When the sun/mountain icon appears alone, leave space around it equal to the height of the inner mountain of the icon.

For full details, refer to the brand book.

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